Gaming for Wildlife

Sybo Games

Subway Surfers

Playing for the Planet 2023 (P4TP) - Rio de Janeiro

Later this year, Subway Surfers is heading to Rio de Janeiro, offering players the opportunity to explore the rainforest and its wildlife. The game will feature a rainforest-themed environment, special characters, and outfits inspired by the Harlequin Toad. The update also includes the Underwater destination, which comes along with a refreshed and powered-up Manta Ray board.

SYBO aims to raise awareness of environmental causes and to encourage players to make a difference. They will utilize their wide reach through social media and in-game communication to educate players about the Amazon Rainforest and the Indian Ocean ecosystems. SYBO plans to donate to the Atelopus Survival Initiative (Re:wild) and another oceans-focused cause to protect these ecosystems and their wildlife. In addition, they will encourage players to contribute to the same organizations, aiming to change the real world by playing in a virtual one.

Supporting the Amazon
Play this activation between August 7th - 27th 2023