Northern Forge Studios

Orna: A fantasy RPG and GPS MMO

Orna is a location-based role-playing game that merges the excitement of old school turn-based RPGs with GPS mapping in the real world. Players of Orna can explore their real world surroundings to discover and complete quests, battle monsters and conquer dungeons on their phones.

Under an environmental storyline concerning the citizens of the planet Terra, players will identify real world locations in their local neighbourhoods that could benefit from a garbage cleanup. Players submit an image of this location to become a Gloomsite area on the map in the game. Once approved, the Gloomsites are accessible to players from around the globe. All players can combat pollution at these in-game Gloomsites by planting trees and growing Gaia apples for other players to harvest. Players can use the apples they harvest to upgrade their character. By cleaning up the world, everyone benefits!

Players are encouraged to visit any Gloomsite in their vicinity, providing an opportunity for them to clean up the site in the real world. After the activation, it's hoped that players will be more aware of the garbage in their local areas and make a continued effort to keep them clean.

The connection between the real world and Orna game play is seamlessly linked through the GPS nature of the game's design. Players must come face to face with the environmental challenges in their neighbourhoods which are represented by a "Murk" monster in the game.

6th - 19th September