Gaming for Wildlife



Amazon Rainforest Scrapbook

Players will embark on two special Amazon Rainforest-themed versions of our weekly journey, featuring over 80 exclusive levels. With captivating artwork and themed awards, players will delve into the beauty of the Amazon Rainforest and its endangered species. Informative pop-ups will guide players to our campaign page, where they can donate and learn more about wildlife and biodiversity.

By taking over our widely played journey mode, we aim to raise awareness among millions of players, encouraging them to contribute and explore the ecosystem further. Our studio donation supports the collective goal of the Green Game Jam 2023.

Through visually stunning artwork and informative messaging, we educate players on the significance of wildlife and biodiversity, emphasizing the Amazon Rainforest. The journey mode serves as a gateway to an immersive experience, guiding players through two 84-level maps while providing information on wildlife, biodiversity, and opportunities to donate.

Supporting the Amazon
Play this activation between May 27th - June 10th 2023