The pathway that your studio and your players will take together, using your games to inspire high-impact, measurable change.
This can be any kind of experience that engages players on the topic of nature and motivates them to want to do something about it.It can be in the game, such as a new level, new item or new event. It can also be on social media, such as a community challenge, competition or giveaway.
campaigning for nature
Direct your players to the campaign landing page and encourage them to join players around the world in leaving a message of support for nature. The goal is to give players the opportunity to share their voice on the topic of nature. In doing this, we aim to create a connection between humans and nature that we hope will move the needle on our cultural relationship to the natural world.
the outcome
If we reach 100,000 statements of support for nature on the campaign page, the results will be presented to policy makers who care about video games as well as nature. Through a visual representation the global alliance ‘Playing for Nature’ would like to share their voice and ask others to support the journey.
raise money for nature
Build a fundraising element into your activation. You can use community goals and donation matching, pledging a percentage of sales of a title or a new IAP or experience.Or, you can use whatever other way you can think of to raise money to support nature.