
Tales is an international, non-profit, multimedia initiative dedicated to sharing stories that broaden our perspectives and connect worlds. Our work employs interdisciplinary methodologies to bring tales to life that celebrate diverse cultures, enhance ecological education, and foster a deeper connection to our shared humanity and environment.

As part of its commitment to joining the Alliance, Tales aims to: 

  • Launch World of Us, a virtual theme park created for children aged 8 and up, where they can connect with peers from around the world in a fun, safe environment. Narratives, symbols, and references within WoU draw from traditional tales and myths from regions in Congo, Romania, India, and Brazil, bridging ancestral wisdom into new digital landscapes.
  • Continue expanding participatory formats, such as our free game labs, which aim to increase understanding of job opportunities within the gaming industry for underrepresented and underserved communities.
  • Reduce its carbon footprint yearly in accordance with the concluded calculations and work towards net zero carbon emissions aligned with the Paris Agreement.
  • Participate annually in the Green Game Jam event, as well as other relevant Playing for the Planet programs, to continuously inspire education and action through gaming.

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